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March on to summer

Laura Claman

The few weeks in March the Blazing Saddles store was open were as successful as I could have hoped. When I began working on the store site in November of 2019, I could never have predicted that a pandemic would be sweeping across the planet in just a few months. We've all had to change our ways to get along in this new way of life. Shaking hands when meeting clients is a routine of a past reality.

I've always been a bit of a neatnick, but cleaning has taken on a more serious meaning. Rest assured, the store will be clean when you come in! Cleaning has also been a way to pass the time especially in the first two weeks of the quarantine. But how many times can you bleach a counter? On the other hand, my pasture is spotless! Let's see if this cleanliness can be maintained when life starts to flow faster. :)

I gather from social media, family and friends, that many people are spending some of their time cleaning out lost corners of the home. In that sense I can help you out if you have saddles around you're not using. Why keep them in your basement gathering dust? Bring them in to the shop, I'll clean them up and find a new home for them. They are YOUR saddles, if you sell them yourself or want it back for a new horse, you can always come pick it up. In general, I have customers looking for 17" western saddles and 17-18" English or dressage saddles. Brand names usually sell well, and my inventory is in constant flux.

Time is change, change is learning, and hopefully learning is understanding. Covid-19 has changed everyone's life. This kind of abrupt turn synthesizes unfamiliar perspectives. Oh yes, I sure do appreciate a breath of fresh air, a hug from a loved one, and the time I have with my 4-leggeds in a new way. Let's march ahead together.

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